It’s a wee bit late, as Christmas has now passed, but ’tis always the season to keep those jigglies jiggling so thought I’d upload the babes of christmas we’ve been posting on social media of late. Plus this will come in really handy next year π
Here we go again with another gallery of some of the finest babes to grace the internet, we hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed finding them! Be sure to share with your friends or social media pages π
Be sure to keep checking back on Bacon Boobs Beer on a regular basis!
Here we go with another film review. This time its ultra babe, Raquel Welch starring in One Million years BC. Released in 1966 this was somewhat successful as far as the producing house, Hammer films was concerned. This is a pretty cool watch, but it can be kind of distracting with miss Welch bouncing around in her caveman / fur bikini outfit. Not entirely sure what the plot was really about but it revolves around Tumak (spelling?) who is banished from his cave man tribe and sets off solo. He wanders around for a bit and collapses from exhaustion. The lucky bastard is found by another tribe, of which Raquel welsh features as Loana and he assimilates into her tribe. (featured in the below pic)

One Million Years BC is not entirely historically accurate. It features humans and dinosaurs in the same time / reality. But again with the Caveman babe-age bouncing around the place one isn’t really thinking about this. Look this film though rather enjoyable is not really a thinker. There’s no english dialogue either, just caveman grunts and some primitive communication. Again this doesn’t interfere with the enjoyment of this film.

Anyway if you haven’t seen this film and you’re the kind of film conniseur that visits this site regulary, be sure to track your self down a copy and enjoy with some freshly fried bacon and a couple of beers π
Be sure to keep checking back on for more eye opening articles!
OK here we go with a band new section of the site… Movie Babes! I’ll be adding a heap on here so keep checking back.
If you like keep coming back and of course recommend us to your friends
Thought it was about time we paid tribute to one of the most righteous babes of all time, Christina Ricci. She first came to be known in the Addams Family movie as “Wednesday Addams” but grew up quickly. I kinda feel like I grew up with her, as we are only a couple years apart in age. Some movies of hers you have to check out are “After Life” and “Black Snake Moan”

Well, we’ve been done over by facebook again, this time I’ve lost access to my personal account. Hopefully I can get it back at some point, there was a lot of memories (personal) and page stuff that I was administering.
I’ve also found a new social media site which seems to be a lot better and doesn’t manipulate your page posts or whatever it is facebook always seem to be doing. Go on over and check out and sign up. Also we’ve launched a like page on there The Daily Babe which seems to be taking off bit by bit!
Anyway hope to see you guys there π and keep checking back on for more cool stuff coming soon!
Is touching or looking at boobs good for your health? Turns out modern science says YES! In more ways than one! Touching and holding boobs is good for you. Looking at boobs is good for you. Obviously, if you touch or look at boobies make sure you have permission from the owners of the boobies! If you’re lucky enough to have someone that lets you touch or stare at theirs regularly you may just be on the path to good health!
OK, I know what you’re thinking. This sounds too good to be true. With that in mind we’ve even referenced the findings! We have some reasonable article authority backing us up here!
Here’s the original article for this study conducted Dr Karen Weatherby, a German Scientist and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. She postulates (sounds rude, but it isn’t) that staring at and touching breasts for at least 10 minutes a day can actually prolong male life spans. In fact, staring at a nice large or small rack (Depending on your tastes) for at least 10 minutes a day lowers blood pressure, heart rates, stress and has the same benefits as a 30 minute workout. It’s been suggested that it could actually lengthen the male lifespan up to 4-5 years.
In regards to touching boobs: When a hand meets boob, it stimulates nerves that trigger the brainβs pituitary gland to release oxytocin. This is a feel-good hormone associated with snuggling and such. The benefits actually apply to both females and males. In fact the shape a hand makes when nestling a boob is the naturally relaxed state a hand should be in. It also has benefits for the woman as the chest is where stress is held. A lovingly held and supported boob will release stress from the body. Source, Cosmopolitan Mag
. Holding boobs actually benefits the female in your life as well!Anyway with that in mind Bacon Boobs Beer does not recommend staring at random breasts of passing women. Much less touching them. Keep it clean, keep it respectable. Hopefully, you can find a woman that will love the attention as much as you love to give it. Count yourself lucky if you have this already. I do!
Remember to keep checking back on Bacon Boobs Beer on a regular basis for more great informative articles!
Are Vitamins a waste of money? I’ve had this discussion a few times with people. When they see vitamins at my house or in my car or whatever.
First point I’ll make is that I’ve NEVER heard anyone say vitamins are bad for you***. My only real point of opposition that I face is people saying “It’s a waste of money” or “You should be getting all the nutrients you need from a balanced diet”. Damn right, I SHOULD get all the vitamins I need from a balanced diet, but I have neither the time or the money to actually have a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients I need to kick ass.
Next point I’ll make is that more often than not that person telling me I’m wasting money on vitamins have no problems in spending $150 down the pub on beers that cost $12 each (when a $7 basic beer would suffice) thereby making any spend I make on vitamins seem irrelevant by comparison. Oh yeah, don’t get me started on how much some of these people spend on drug usage. They could be paying off a mortgage with that much money. Yet they heckle me about my $5-$10 a month vitamin habit.
Like most adults I do my own shopping. By buying vitamins when they are on sale I find I’m getting mine for $5-$10 a jar for standard-issue vitamins. I honestly believe they do help. I find myself getting sick less than others, and I think I look younger and healthier than most of my similarly aged friends.
If you’re thinking about taking that first step into taking some vitamins or supplements but have no idea what you’re doing I’d suggest either a Men’s multi (if you’re a man) or a Woman’s multi (if you’re a woman). Keep it simple. You won’t get miraculous results overnight but things will start improving even if you don’t notice it. Most humans however have deficiencies in either Vitamin C, Magnesium or Vitamin B3 so if you cover your bets and use those three, many niggling health issues would be solved.
***I should preface that point by saying you can overdose on vitamins and get at least mildy ill. if you take reasonable notice of the dosage on the packet you should have no issues unless you have some freak allergy.
Again, I’m not here to preach to you, but when you ask yourself “Are Vitamins a waste of money?” Think to yourself, “What am I REALLY wasting money on anyway? Chances are it’s destroying your health as well. Even if all the vitamins do is stop you wasting money on alcohol, tobacco, drugs or fast food there’s an instant health benefit there!
I’ve listed some of the more common vitamins and a brief outline of what they do for you. Obviously its not comprehensive by any means but its a starting point. If you have any underlying health issues or even if you’re not sure consult a doctor before starting a regieme, but make sure you stick to the dosages!
Good for eye health and can prevent macular degeneration
improves skin and hair
“Could” help with Cancer development (retinoid can block growth of cancer cells)
Can lower excessive cholesterol
Helps bones and teeth (increased presence of vitamin A is linked to lower instances of osteoporosis)
Boosts Immunity
Can help during pregnancy (consult a doctor with this one)
Promotes tissue repair (especially in wounds)
Supports Muscle growth (especially in children and the elderly)
Slows down signs of gains (especially in skin)
B12 is needed for red blood cell production, body tissue repair and is vital for the function of the central nervous system. If you don’t get enough of it you can develop condition such as Anaemia (lack of red blood cells), Neuropathy (nerve damage), Neurological disorders.
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin. Unfortunately the human body can’t produce or store it. Vitamin C produces antioxidants which provide a natural immunity boost by fighting off free radicals. Vitamin C has an impressive list of benefits which include:
lowering blood pressure and risk of heart disease.
Reducing Uric Acid levels thereby reducing gout risk.
Helps prevent iron deficiency
Boosts immunity (as mentioned before)
Aids memory function
Vitamin C has an impressive list of benefits, if you choose one vitamin to take this would be the one. Cheap easy and if you buy the right ones its even quite tasty.
Can be Caused by Lack of sunlight (Not generally an issue in Australia unless you get NO sun or are old or of darker skin colour). Lack of Vitamin D can cause a decrease in bone density, depressed mental state, loss of libido and insomnia.
Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in your body and your body can’t work properly without it. 50% of men and women don’t get enough of it. Magnesium would be naturally found in nuts, seeds and leafy green vegetables. Humans need 320-400 mg a day of this for men and women respectively. Magnesium deficiencies can see the onset of Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimers and Heart Disease.
Some articles I’ve seen are more negative on the subject some are neutral and some are positive. It’s hard to get a definitive answer. THis is a slightly more negative article I found but still said “you can get everything you need from a balanced diet”. Are you getting a balanced diet? you have to look at this realistically. I eat pretty decently but not what I would call balanced. I’d need to triple both the time I spend and the money I spend to achieve this. Article from the Sydney Morning Herald.In short, i think there would be very few people in the middle class or lower who truely have a healthy diet either here in Australia or in the United States (Where most of our traffic comes from). In most cases you could start up a regiment of vitamins for less than the price of a quarter pounder / or a couple of take out coffees per week. Even if it doesn’t work wonders for you